IBEW 1186 BLOOD DRIVE – 8/10/24 – Please kokua!

STEP OUT HAWAII 2023! Team IBEW 1186!

Did you know that in Hawaii, over 410,000 residents, or 1 out of every 2 people are affected by diabetes? And that diabetes by itself is the highest risk for heart disease? Join the fight against diabetes on SATURDAY, APRIL 22nd at 7 AM, by joining “2023 Step Out Hawaii!” a family-friendly 2-mile walk around Kapiolani Park, with live entertainment, a keiki tent and a wellness fair!

Join our team, Team IBEW 1186, and help us spread awareness and to help one day find a cure. Business Manager/Financial Secretary Damien Kim is this year’s chairperson, so be sure to represent 1186 so we can show Hawaii support to help fight diabetes!

Visit donations.diabetes.org to register as an individual, make a donation or search for a team to join or donate to. Any questions, contact Mike P at 808-342-5069.

We will see you on Saturday, April 22nd!