Holidays are near! Attend your union meetings!
Please see the attached. If you have any questions, please call our office at 808-847-5341. Mahalo!IBEW LOCAL UNION 1186 – 2025 OFFICE HOLIDAY SCHEDULE 2025 CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE(In two formats)
Aloha brothers and sisters, Please find your respective county and our General Election endorsements (in two different formats) – see your respective business rep for any questions or contact our union office! There is STILL time to register to vote – regular ballot registration by 10/28 and absentee voting by 10/29. Ballots are due by […]
Please download/print the correct application. Mahalo!
Honolulu, HI – Aloha brothers and sisters, please see below message from our IVP Reaves: ### Greetings Sisters and Brothers, On March 6, 2025, our IBEW 1547 Alaska community faced an unimaginable tragedy when two of our own union brothers, Skye Rench and Sean Kendall, were involved in a devastating accident near Point Mackenzie, Alaska. […]
Honolulu, HI – Aloha brothers and sisters, It’s that time of year again – the circus is in town! We have a limited supply of free keiki tickets available that will able to be redeemed with each adult ticket purchase. Please stop by the hall to pick them up during normal business hours. Mahalo!
Honolulu, HI – Aloha brothers and sisters, Due to flash flooding across the island and continuing extreme weather conditions affecting the state and particularly Oahu, effective Thursday, January 30, 2025 12 PM, the entire building at 1935 Hau Street (all departments – Credit Union, Union Office, Training, HEMEP/Compliance and Administrative Office) will be closed for […]