IBEW 1186 BLOOD DRIVE – 8/10/24 – Please kokua!

IBEW Local Union 1186 75th Anniversary

As we anticipate the Labor Day holiday this coming Monday it is appropriate that we recognize individuals and groups who contributed to the labor movement here locally and the many contributions of our working men and women. I was pleased to present Damien Kim, Business Manager and Financial Secretary of IBEW Local Union 1186 with an Honorary Certificate at the Council meeting held on September 2nd to recognize and congratulate IBEW on the momentous occasion of its 75th Anniversary.


IBEW Local Union 1186 celebrated its 75th Anniversary during the month of August with celebrations on Oahu, Hawaii Island, Kauai and Maui. The theme for the momentous occasion was “Lamalama Ke Kukui” which means “to maintain a bright path, a guiding light,” which is fitting as IBEW has provided that service to the people of Hawaii for 75 years and maintains its commitment to do so for many years to come. IBEW Local Union 1186 was chartered on June 6, 1940 and was issued to 19 civil service electricians employed at the Pearl Harbor Naval Shipyard.

In 1952 Business Manager Akito “Blackie” Fujikawa advanced Hawaii’s construction Unions by visiting New York and bringing back the idea of securing benefits for our working men and women. Through his persistent dedication to good principles of unionism and sincere concern for the welfare of members and their families he started the Union’s first benefits such as pension, annuity, paid vacation and holidays and medical benefits. Soon other trades followed suit and began providing benefits that union members and their families still enjoy today.

In 1963 the Metal Trades was formed in Pearl Harbor and the President is an IBEW member. In 1966 the Hawaii Building and Construction Trades Council was chartered. IBEW is proud to be among the 17 trades in their membership.

Today’s Local 1186 represents all of the islands in the State of Hawaii and represents Construction Electricians, Telecommunications, Oceanic Time Warner Cable, Marine Motor Shops, and civilian employees at our Military bases. Membership totals over 3,300 members who give back to their communities by serving on various non-profit boards and sponsoring and participating in events like Walk for Diabetes, Aloha United Way, Adult Friends for Youth, Adopt-a-Highway, and Military Specials that are put on by “Hawaii Stars.”

Be it resolved that the Honolulu City and County Council recognizes IBEW Local Union 1186 for its support of our working men and women and their families and for its years of dedicated service to the State of Hawaii. Be it further resolved that the City Council, on behalf of the people of the City and County of Honolulu, congratulates IBEW Local Union 1186 on the occasion of its 75th Anniversary. Further, the Council extends its best wishes for continued success in all its future endeavors.