IBEW 1186 BLOOD DRIVE – 8/10/24 – Please kokua!

IBEW Local 1186 Spotlight: Adult Friends for Youth

Honolulu, HI – In case you missed it last night, one of the three non-profits that we featured on our show “From Our Hearts to Yours” is the Adult Friends for Youth (AFY), a 501 (c) (3) here in Hawaii.

In the program you should have seen interview clips from AFY’s Deborah Spencer-Chun (President & CEO), in which she talks about various ways AFY has been helping to stabilize, rehabilitate, and turn around some of Hawaii’s most at-risk youth. Not just amongst this pandemic, but all-year round. Their programs are unique and whole-life based, as well as transitional and changes as the young adults move into adulthood.

Their need is year-round and they can always use help. Their current fundraising efforts are revolved around an initiative called “CHANGE FOR CHANGE.” What you do is drop off your “loose change” which to you, may not seem huge, but can mean the world of difference to a young adult who is struggling and forgotten by many in this world. “People can drop off their loose change to help AFY change the lives of our youth,” says Spencer-Chun. In addition, she says, “computers, iPads, and ChromeBooks help us to continue helping students do remote work into the summer.”

For more information on how to help this deserving organization, visit their website here or call them at (808) 833-8775.