IBEW 1186 BLOOD DRIVE – 8/10/24 – Please kokua!
Attention Hawaii high-school seniors! Scholarship money available – and read: You do NOT have to be a family member of a union member! Details below, good luck!
The Hawaii State AFL-CIO has established scholarships that will be awarded to students who are
currently attending high school in the state of Hawaii and plan to pursue post-high school study
on a full-time basis at a university, college, community college, vocational or trade school.
The following criteria will be used in determining the awarding of the scholarships.
1. An essay of not more than 1000 words as to the importance of labor unions in Hawaii.
The essay may be written from a personal point of view or from a historical perspective.
2. Completing a cover letter with relevant information: name, address, phone number, e-
mail address and what type of school you plan to attend.
The scholarship is open to any graduating senior and having a family member in a union is not
required. There will be three scholarships awarded in the amount of $1,000 each.
All submissions must be received or postmarked by Friday, April 20, 2018. Applications can be
sent by e-mail to: aflcioscholarship@gmail.com or by mail to: 345 Queen St., Suite 500,
Honolulu, HI 96813.
Please direct all questions to Jason Bradshaw at 597-1441.
A decision will be made by Friday, April 27, 2018 and winners will be notified shortly