IBEW 1186 BLOOD DRIVE – 8/10/24 – Please kokua!
Aloha members!
We hope you had an enjoyable Christmas, and had some time to relax and spend time with your ‘ohana. We mourn with those who have lost loved ones in 2020, and have suffered other trials-please know that those people are in our thoughts and prayers.
As we near the close of a VERY eventful year, we reflect upon so many things, and regardless of how difficult it may have been at times, we are so grateful. Grateful for our health, grateful for our members (you), and grateful for all of those who continue to support our industry and the communities of our members. You have had to change your daily routine – wearing masks, social distancing and sanitizing hands are just a small part of what we are all doing to try to stay safe. For your continued efforts, we thank you and appreciate you.
There have been so many people in our lives who have had to step up in a big way as a result of this pandemic, and in many cases, this was our spouses, parents, extended ‘ohana, our children, teachers, but most especially frontline first responders, retail employees, restaurant employees, delivery drivers and more. We can only be hopeful and optimistic that 2021 will be a better year in every way, and that we will be able to gather once again because we truly miss seeing all of our members.
Please take care, and avoid gathering for the New Year celebrations – so that we will be able to stay healthy and safe.
We’ll get through this together.
Happy New Year!
Respectfully yours,
Damien T.K. Kim
Business Manager/Financial Secretary